Saturday 26 November 2016

This Week's Watercolour: - Tintern Abbey

Again, it's an improvement on the couple of watercolours I produced in 2015 - not sure that it's quite as nice as the Lincoln one, but not bad

Tintern Abbey - Watercolour

Saturday 19 November 2016

Nothing daunted

by the fact that last week's watercolour didn't really turn out as I would have liked, I had another go, with a different subject.
Lincoln Cathedral and city Walls
Though I say it as shouldn't I'm really pleased with this. It even looks better than it does in this scan, for the scanner has not managed to pick out the blue of the sky very well. I won't lie, I have been reading up just a little on watercolour technique. Definitely a step in the right direction.

Saturday 12 November 2016

Watercolour tram

Last Saturday I went back to charcoal after the best part of a year. Today I had a go at a watercolour for the first time in about 18 months. I think that it's an improvement on my previous watercolours, but see what you think: -

These two are from July 2015: -
Mumbles tram
Barry Island c. 1980

Here's the tram I painted this afternoon
Glasgow Tram 
It's moew subtle and muted than the previous two.

Latest Project: After Session 3

After Nov 9th
This is the laets - as you can see if you compare it to the previous picture of this painting I spent most of Wednesday's 2 hour session working on the building on the right, and I also painted in a couple of figures.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Daily Sketch - King George V

I haven't made a charcoal sketch for the best part of a year, and so got the charcoal out today. This is the result : -
King George V - charcoal on paper
I think I must have forgotten how much I like working with charcoal.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Latest Project - after 2nd session

This is the tram painting after another couple of hours: -

It doesn't look as if I've touched the tram this time, but I've done some more work on it. The most obvious work has been done in the foreground on the right, with the sign, lamp post and building being begun. However there has been work on the left as well, the signal gantry , more foliage, and the tracks in particular.