Thursday 30 March 2017

Commission - Frankel

I completed the Frankel commission last night. I took some advice from the other artists with regards to how far I wanted to go with the background, and I'm glad that I did as I may well have been tempted to overdo it otherwise. The main thing was that I wanted Frankel himself in clear focus, but the crowd behind sort of blurry and out of focus, ad I think I've achieved that. I've sent the photo to the client, and hopefully he'll like it, Mind you, if he doesn't I wouldn't be unhappy keeping this one and sticking it on the wall of my studio.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Commission - Frankel

Frankel Commission
I was asked to do this one on the strength of my picture "The Home Straight" - my client saw it and liked it enough to ask if I could paint the famous superhorse, Frankel. My response - I'll have a bash - and this is the result of about 5 hours' work today

Thursday 23 March 2017

Plough Horses - Finished painting

Here's the finished painting:-

I got to the stage with it last night that I felt that any more I did was going to make it worse, so I signed it and stopped.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Plough Horses Project

I haven't touched this one since last Wednesday - when I got this far with it: -

I have to crack on with this, because as soon as I've finished it I have a commission to be getting on with.

Saturday 11 March 2017

This time . . . Bigger horses

I didn't have a huge amount of time at Artists' Group this week , since I had to leave after about an hour to go and pick up my daughters from the airport. Long and not very interesting story. So I started another horsey painting, but this time plough horses. This is how far I got on Wednesday: -

Not great, is it. But you can't judge from the start you make, the idea is to keep improving on the painting while you work on it. I worked four hours on it today, and this is where we are now: -
Makes all the difference having the second horse and a bit of the background in, doesn't it? Mind you, the first horse is much improved as well - it's funny just what a difference a bit of detailing makes.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Horse Painting take 2: National Hunt

I started this at Artists' Group last week, and finished it this afternoon: -