Sunday 29 January 2017

My ETSY Shop

Yes, I've found another potential outlet for my work in the online shop ETSY. I've created a shop there, and I'd love it if you would like to have a look at it: -

My Etsy Shop

Now, obviously I'm happy for people to just look at my pictures. If they like them, so much the better, and I didn't create this blog for commercial purposes. Still, if you are interested in any of my work that you might have seen in any of these pages, then you can find most of them on Etsy, and it's easy to by once you have found something you want.

Blatant sales pitch over, thanks.

Glasgow Tram Line and Wash

I like to pay my way, and I expect the same of my hobbies. If you've been following my ramblings for any length of time you might recall that I decided to have another go at watercolours back in October. The first painting I produced was this one: -

Glasgow Tram October 2016
It was painting this one that convinced me to study a little more, and I sold the next three or four watercolour paintings that I made. Alright, maybe selling a painting isn't the be all and end all for me, but the fact is that I do like a hobby that pays its way. I like to sell paintings to cover the costs of my membership of the Afan Nedd Artists' group, and of all of my materials and equipment. Now, last week I decided that although I don't think the painting above is all that good, I thought I'd just put it out there and see what happens. Bingo - sold within a couple of days.

So, thinks I, maybe that's a good subject if you want to sell - the fact is that All of the paintings and pictures I've done with British trams in them have sold. So, with that in mind, I produced this line and wash picture yesterday:-
Glasgow Tram line and wash Jan 2017

I do think that this is a more accomplished painting, however I don't think that the scan has done it a lot of favours - buildings which are maroon/brown look grey in this. If it sells, I shan't complain.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Line and Wash Triumph Herald

I sketched this one in ink last night while I was watching mastermind. I just fancied doing it a bit more than the Ford Anglia I sketched last week - maybe I'll have a go at that on Wednesday.
Triumph Herald
This is the first time really that I've produced something close to what I'd like a line and wash picture to be like.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Okay - let's recap. Last weekend I produced his ink sketch of Maida Vale Tube Station in London: -
Maida Vale tube pen and ink sketch
I liked this as a sketch so much that I did consider just leaving it as it is. However, having thought about it I decided that I'd always intended to apply watercolour to it, and so I did this last night. Here's the result: -
Maida Vale tube line and wash picture
On reflection I think I probably made the right decision. I think it's the most successful line and wash picture I've done so far.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Line and Wash Projects for this week: -

Two sketches completed today in ink, and here's the first: -

I found a photograph I really liked, showing this poor battered relic, and thought - hmm, I wouldn't mind having a go at that one day. Today I sketched it, probably on Wednesday evening I'll paint it. On the other hand there is this one as well: -

It isn't a great photograph, but it at least gives you an idea. This is Maida Vale tube stations.

Hmm - decisions, decisions.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Ink and Wash Racing cars

I've tried ink and wash before once or twice, and really wasn't impressed with my results. Now, though, having produced a few watercolours that I like, I decided to have another go. This is based on an old black and white photograph.

Here's what it looked like before I applied the colour: -
ink sketch - grad prix cars

- and this is the finished painting -I did add some more ink as I went along as well
Grand Prix - ink and wash

Thursday 12 January 2017

Ely Cathedral Watercolour

Continuing with watercolours and watercolour landscapes, last night at the Artists' Group I produced this simple painting: -
Ely Cathedral on a misty morning

I say simple, and I mean it. In all honesty it can't have taken more than about 40 minutes from first stroke of pencil to signing my name, and that's including time to allow parts of it to dry.

Saturday 7 January 2017


Another of my favourite birds
Sadly the scanner hasn't picked out the blue background at all well. Nonetheless, this ain't bad.

Horse race 2

My previous horse race painting, which I made last week, received an offer almost immediately that I put it on the market, so, in the spirit of greed, I painted another: -
Horse Race 2
I don't think its quite as good as the first but hey, live and learn.


This was actually a project and tutorial in this months Leisure Painter magazine.
It's not as good as the original in the magazine, but it isn't bad - apart from the waves, which really aren't much to write home about.

Monday 2 January 2017

First Painting of 2017: Night Owl

Night Owl
A bit of a back down to Earth painting for me. I rather like the background, but the owl isn't great. What I mean by back down to Earth is that the horse racing painting went so well, and I've already had offers for it. Don't expect to get to many offers for this, if I'm honest. Still, soldier on.