Tuesday 2 April 2024

I've had an idea for a challenge -

 So, after I made the old Holborn sketch, I was on holiday with the family in West Wales until the weekend. What, sketches? Yes, I did make a few, since you ask. I haven't scanned these yet but here are the photographs of them -

Thanks, I don' think they're at all bad either. But that's not really germane to the issue. Since returning I've made a couple of drawings. First there was this one -

Then yesterday I made one based on an old photograph of the Old Kent Road -

Look, you know me, I love drawing in ink, I love drawing old London and I also love. . . Monopoly. Well, the original London version of it anyway. So it occurred to me that Old Kent Road is of course the first and cheapest of properties on the London board, and also the only one which is South of the River Thames. The challenge which has since occurred to me is to make drawings of every property on the board.

Now, there's no point giving yourself a challenge unless you give yourself a set of rules and guidelines. No doubt I shall add more as they occur to me, but for now -

The challenge is to provide a drawing for each of the properties, stations and utilities on the standard London Monopoly Board. 

The drawings can show the property at any time in its History but must be based on genuine photographic references. 

If I have already drawn the property in the past, then I may use the earlier drawing if I wish, or may draw a completely new picture.

The pictures must be posted in the order in which they appear around the board from Go. But they don't have to be drawn in that order.

Not bad eh? So, without further ado :-

Monopoly Sketch 1: The Old Kent Road

As I said, it's the only property south of the River Thames. It goes through many changes of name, but if you follow it, then it will take you all the way to Canterbury - I know because I cycled it in a day once. It was home to the venerable Thomas a Becket pub, which was on the site where Chaucer and his pilgrims made their first stop on their pilgrimage in The Canterbury Tales. 

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