Saturday 13 October 2018

What have I been doing, then?

Well, not a lot of acrylic painting, to be honest with you. In fact the only reason why I've shaken myself up to post on this, my original art blog - the mother ship, if you like, is because I've started only my first acrylic for a few months. We'll come to that. So what's been going on, then?

1) My Spanish expedition. This took up three weeks of August, and I made tons of ink sketches, and ink and wash sketches. You can see all of these over on my sister blogs "An English Fool Abroad with his sketchbook" and "South Wales Urban Sketcher"

2) My commitment to make at least one sketch in whatever medium every day for a whole year. I began on 26th March, and have so far kept it up every day, having reached just over the 200 day mark.

3) Inktober 2018. The commitment is to produce an ink sketch every day for the month of October, following a prompt.

4) The last of my children to move out has found herself a flat. I've coveted what was her bedroom for several years, and it's now become my studio. I've put up some of my bits and pieces on the wall, and it's a nice place to paint and draw now.
5) I've been working on an acrylic again. With the Artist's group starting up again, I spent the first couple of Wednesdays just working on sketches, but felt that I wanted to be working on a proper painting. So it's back to my lovely old trams. My current painting is an old London tram in the 1950s in South London, right at the end of the first generation tram era. Here it is.
It's a shame that I didn't take photographs in its earlier stages, since the sky was truly horrendous this time a week ago, and I'm quite pleased with the way I've 'rescued' it. As for today, well, on the original sketched design the figures on the left were too small in proportion to the building, but I corrected it when I started painting them in today. I'd make a rough estimate that there's at least 10 hours of work left in it.

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