Thursday 18 February 2016

Commission: Glasgow Tram

I took the painting along to the artists' group last night, and it took a couple of hours to finish it. Here's the finished painting: -
Glasgow street scene with tram
I'm pleased with the way that the cobbles turned out. Basically I laid down a wash of very light, creamy yellow, and let it dry while I added other touches like painting in the tram wires. Then I used I browny purple, and a grey blue to paint in the cobbles - different dilutions giving me pleasing different shades of each. 

Criticism: - The tram itself isn't at all badly drawn, but it's not perfect, and could have been done better. 
However, as an example of the learning curve I'm on, I have to be pleased with what I've accomplished here. Buildings and cobbles are nicely done, and I think show a lightness and delicacy of touch that I wasn't capable of 6 months ago. 

As regards the chap who commissioned it - well, we didn't discuss price before I started, and I'm waiting for him to get back to me.

UPDATE - 19/2/16 - This painting has now been sold 

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