Wednesday 1 June 2022

2022 30x30 Watercolour challenge 1) Disused Station

 Here we are, gentle readers, the one you probably haven't been waiting for, my first direct watercolour of 2022:-

Direct watercolour means that you don't get to do any sketching before you start painting - the only medium you can use for your picture is watercolour. I have to say that I'm pretty pleased with this. In my humble opinion it is actually a wee bit better than it looks here. There's something about my scanner that it just doesn't deal with blues very well, so the roofs and the platform edges really haven't come out as well as they did. So here's a photograph I took of the same, which should give you just a wee bit of a better idea about the true colours of the picture -

As I said yesterday, I know that this isn't exactly world class, but it is so much better than some of the pigswill I've made in previous years of the challenge. 

Now, that looks a lot better, doesn't it.

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